

As we get older, our skin loses elasticity, and our bodies slowly begin to show signs of aging. If you’re looking for ways to minimize these visible signs of aging, Botox or Dysport might be right for you.

Botox and Dysport are injectable solutions commonly used to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe crow’s feet and frown lines between the eyebrows. It can also be used to tackle other signs of aging in the face and other parts of the body.


The frontalis muscle, located in your forehead, raises and lowers your eyebrows. Our patients often request Botox/Dysport treatment for muscle relaxation in this area. Careful injections can help achieve smoothness in your forehead without causing it to look “frozen.” You may begin to see results within the first 48 hours. However, it can take up to 14 days to notice the full effects, which may last up to four months.

Bunny Lines:

Botox/Dysport is an effective treatment for “bunny lines,” those annoying lines that appear horizontally across the top of your nose when you laugh or smile deeply. Depending on severity, these lines may be softened with just an injection or two on each side of the nose. Results typically last up to four months.

Jelly Rolls:

“Jelly rolls” are bulges located just below the eyes that are visible when you’re laughing, smiling, or squinting. They may cause puffy eyes or the appearance of exhaustion. A small amount of Botox/Dysport under the lash line should help provide a more alert appearance with a softer, less puffy under-eye area. Results may last up to four months.

Pebble Chin:

Aging skin comes with new areas of volume loss, including the chin. The appearance of bumps or dimples on the chin is also known as “pebble chin.” Injecting small amounts of Botox/Dysport in the mentalis muscle can achieve a softer look. Like other procedures, results may last up to four months.

Jawline Reduction:

If you are unhappy with the size of your jawline, we may suggest Botox/Dysport injections to soften the masseter muscle. Relaxing this muscle can help balance facial features and reduce the jawline’s prominence. With this treatment, some patients see results lasting as long as six months.


Regardless of age, many patients complain of drooping at the outer corners of their lips. Whether this is a new sign of aging or has been an ongoing issue, Botox/Dysport can help. The DAO, or depressor anguli oris, is the muscle responsible for that downward pull. A minimal amount of Botox/Dysport can be injected into each side of the mouth for a subtle improvement in downturned corners, with results typically lasting about three months.

Platysmal Bands:

Botox/Dysport is a simple, effective method for treating overly prominent platysmal bands, the two strips of muscle that start at the base of your neck and run up its front and right sides, ending at the jaw. Treating your platysmal bands helps these muscles relax, which can result in a smoother, more youthful appearance. The effects of these injections may last up to three months.


If you suffer from severe sweating that’s interfering with your social and professional life, you may have hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes excessive sweating. When injected into the underarms, palms, or bottoms of the feet, BOTOX® Cosmetic may block the chemical signals that stimulate sweat glands. This, in turn, should help reduce excessive sweating for up to six months.


Send us a message, give us a call, or feel free to stop by our office. We look forward to meeting you.